interrogate: explain yourself

Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.

Why Do I Need This?

interrogate checks your code base for missing docstrings.

Documentation should be as important as code itself. And it should live within code. Python standardized docstrings, allowing for developers to navigate libraries as simply as calling help() on objects, and with powerful tools like Sphinx, pydoc, and Docutils to automatically generate HTML, LaTeX, PDFs, etc.

Enter: interrogate.

interrogate will tell you which methods, functions, classes, and modules have docstrings, and which do not. Use interrogate to:

  • Get an understanding of how well your code is documented;

  • Add it to CI/CD checks to enforce documentation on newly-added code;

  • Assess a new code base for (one aspect of) code quality and maintainability.

Let’s get started.


interrogate supports Python 3.8 and above.


interrogate is available on PyPI and GitHub. The recommended installation method is pip-installing into a virtualenv:

$ pip install interrogate


interrogate provides a way to generate a coverage badge as an SVG file. To generate a PNG file instead, install interrogate with the extras [png]:

$ pip install interrogate[png]

NOTICE: Additional system libraries/tools may be required in order to generate a PNG file of the coverage badge:

  • on Windows, install Visual C++ compiler for Cairo;

  • on macOS, install cairo and libffi (with Homebrew for example - see note below);

  • on Linux, install the cairo, python3-dev and libffi-dev packages (names may vary depending on distribution).

Refer to the cairosvg documentation for more information.

MacOS and Cairo

If you get an error when trying to generate a badge like so:

OSError: no library called "cairo-2" was found
no library called "cairo" was found
no library called "libcairo-2" was found

Then first try:

export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib

And rerun the command.


Try it out on a Python project:

$ interrogate [PATH]
RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%)

Add verbosity to see a summary:

$ interrogate -v [PATH]

================== Coverage for /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/ ====================
------------------------------------ Summary ------------------------------------
| Name                                  |   Total |   Miss |   Cover |   Cover% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/          |       6 |      0 |       6 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/                |       2 |      0 |       2 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/             |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |      27 |      0 |      27 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      18 |      0 |      18 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/functional/     |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/                |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/unit/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/unit/             |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/              |      13 |      0 |      13 |     100% |
| TOTAL                                 |     124 |      0 |     124 |   100.0% |
---------------- RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%) ----------------

Add even more verbosity:

$ interrogate -vv [PATH]

================== Coverage for /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/ ====================
------------------------------- Detailed Coverage -------------------------------
| Name                                                                |  Status |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                               | COVERED |
|   save_badge (L42)                                                  | COVERED |
|   get_badge (L87)                                                   | COVERED |
|   should_generate_badge (L103)                                      | COVERED |
|   get_color (L160)                                                  | COVERED |
|   create (L173)                                                     | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                     | COVERED |
|   main (L258)                                                       | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                  | COVERED |
|   InterrogateConfig (L19)                                           | COVERED |
|   find_project_root (L61)                                           | COVERED |
|   find_project_config (L89)                                         | COVERED |
|   parse_pyproject_toml (L100)                                       | COVERED |
|   sanitize_list_values (L116)                                       | COVERED |
|   parse_setup_cfg (L139)                                            | COVERED |
|   read_config_file (L173)                                           | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                | COVERED |
|   BaseInterrogateResult (L23)                                       | COVERED |
|     BaseInterrogateResult.perc_covered (L37)                        | COVERED |
|   InterrogateFileResult (L54)                                       | COVERED |
|     InterrogateFileResult.combine (L67)                             | COVERED |
|   InterrogateResults (L81)                                          | COVERED |
|     InterrogateResults.combine (L93)                                | COVERED |
|   InterrogateCoverage (L101)                                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._add_common_exclude (L121)                  | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._filter_files (L128)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage.get_filenames_from_paths (L141)             | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._filter_nodes (L168)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._filter_inner_nested (L194)                 | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_file_coverage (L203)                   | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_coverage (L231)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage.get_coverage (L248)                         | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_filename (L253)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_detailed_row (L264)                    | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._create_detailed_table (L281)               | COVERED |
|       InterrogateCoverage._create_detailed_table._sort_nodes (L288) | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._print_detailed_table (L315)                | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._create_summary_table (L338)                | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._print_summary_table (L381)                 | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._sort_results (L399)                        | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._get_header_base (L429)                     | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage._print_omitted_file_count (L438)            | COVERED |
|     InterrogateCoverage.print_results (L469)                        | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                   | COVERED |
|   parse_regex (L21)                                                 | COVERED |
|   smart_open (L40)                                                  | COVERED |
|   get_common_base (L60)                                             | COVERED |
|   OutputFormatter (L80)                                             | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.should_markup (L90)                             | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.set_detailed_markup (L105)                      | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.set_summary_markup (L129)                       | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter._interrogate_line_formatter (L158)              | COVERED |
|     OutputFormatter.get_table_formatter (L226)                      | COVERED |
| src/interrogate/ (module)                                   | COVERED |
|   CovNode (L15)                                                     | COVERED |
|   CoverageVisitor (L44)                                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._has_doc (L58)                                  | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._visit_helper (L65)                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_nested_func (L112)                          | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_nested_cls (L121)                           | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_private (L133)                              | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_semiprivate (L141)                          | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_ignored_common (L151)                       | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._has_property_decorators (L168)                 | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._has_setters (L182)                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_func_ignored (L193)                         | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor._is_class_ignored (L217)                        | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_Module (L221)                             | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_ClassDef (L228)                           | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_FunctionDef (L237)                        | COVERED |
|     CoverageVisitor.visit_AsyncFunctionDef (L246)                   | COVERED |
| tests/functional/ (module)                               | COVERED |
| tests/functional/ (module)                               | COVERED |
|   runner (L22)                                                      | COVERED |
|   test_run_no_paths (L30)                                           | COVERED |
|   test_run_shortflags (L77)                                         | COVERED |
|   test_run_longflags (L106)                                         | COVERED |
|   test_run_multiple_flags (L124)                                    | COVERED |
|   test_generate_badge (L135)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_incompatible_options (L170)                                  | COVERED |
| tests/functional/ (module)                          | COVERED |
|   test_coverage_simple (L60)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_coverage_errors (L73)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_print_results (L101)                                         | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_covered (L130)                            | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_none (L156)                               | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_all_summary (L174)                        | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_omit_all_detailed (L198)                       | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_ignore_module (L226)                           | COVERED |
|   test_print_results_single_file (L253)                             | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                                     | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                               | COVERED |
|   test_save_badge (L26)                                             | COVERED |
|   test_save_badge_windows (L50)                                     | COVERED |
|   test_save_badge_no_cairo (L62)                                    | COVERED |
|   test_get_badge (L73)                                              | COVERED |
|   test_should_generate (L96)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_get_color (L115)                                             | COVERED |
|   test_create (L136)                                                | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                                  | COVERED |
|   test_find_project_root (L29)                                      | COVERED |
|   test_find_project_config (L48)                                    | COVERED |
|   test_parse_pyproject_toml (L57)                                   | COVERED |
|   test_sanitize_list_values (L93)                                   | COVERED |
|   test_parse_setup_cfg (L98)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_parse_setup_cfg_raises (L123)                                | COVERED |
|   test_read_config_file_none (L134)                                 | COVERED |
|   test_read_config_file (L193)                                      | COVERED |
|   test_read_config_file_raises (L207)                               | COVERED |
| tests/unit/ (module)                                   | COVERED |
|   test_parse_regex (L32)                                            | COVERED |
|   test_smart_open (L39)                                             | COVERED |
|   test_get_common_base (L69)                                        | COVERED |
|   test_get_common_base_windows (L100)                               | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_should_markup (L132)                        | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_set_detailed_markup (L163)                  | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_set_summary_markup (L206)                   | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_interrogate_line_formatter (L258)           | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_interrogate_line_formatter_windows (L319)   | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_get_table_formatter (L343)                  | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_get_table_formatter_py38 (L381)             | COVERED |
|   test_output_formatter_get_table_formatter_raises (L395)           | COVERED |

------------------------------------ Summary ------------------------------------
| Name                                  |   Total |   Miss |   Cover |   Cover% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/          |       6 |      0 |       6 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/                |       2 |      0 |       2 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/             |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/           |      27 |      0 |      27 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| src/interrogate/              |      18 |      0 |      18 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/functional/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/functional/     |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/                |       1 |      0 |       1 |     100% |
| tests/unit/          |       8 |      0 |       8 |     100% |
| tests/unit/             |      10 |      0 |      10 |     100% |
| tests/unit/              |      13 |      0 |      13 |     100% |
| TOTAL                                 |     124 |      0 |     124 |   100.0% |
---------------- RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%) ----------------

Other Usage

Generate a badge (like this one! interrogate-badge ):

$ interrogate --generate-badge PATH
RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%)
Generated badge to /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/docs/_static/interrogate_badge.svg

See below for more badge configuration.

Add it to your tox.ini file to enforce a level of coverage:

deps = interrogate
skip_install = true
commands =
    interrogate --quiet --fail-under 95 src tests

Or use it with pre-commit:

  - repo:
    rev: 1.7.0  # or master if you're bold
      - id: interrogate
        args: [--quiet, --fail-under=95]
        pass_filenames: false  # needed if excluding files with pyproject.toml or setup.cfg

Use it within your code directly:

>>> from interrogate import coverage
>>> cov = coverage.InterrogateCoverage(paths=["src"])
>>> results = cov.get_coverage()
>>> results
InterrogateResults(total=68, covered=65, missing=3)

Use interrogate with GitHub Actions. Check out the action written & maintained by Jack McKew (thank you, Jack!).

Or use interrogate in VSCode with the interrogate extension written & maintained by Kenneth Love (thank you, Kenneth!).


Configure within your pyproject.toml (interrogate will automatically detect a pyproject.toml file and pick up default values for the command line options):

$ interrogate -c pyproject.toml [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...
ignore-init-method = false
ignore-init-module = false
ignore-magic = false
ignore-semiprivate = false
ignore-private = false
ignore-property-decorators = false
ignore-module = false
ignore-nested-functions = false
ignore-nested-classes = false
ignore-setters = false
ignore-overloaded-functions = false
fail-under = 80
# example values
exclude = ["", "docs", "build"]
# example regex
ignore-regex = ["^get$", "^mock_.*", ".*BaseClass.*"]
ext = []
# possible values: sphinx (default), google
style = "sphinx"
# possible values: 0 (minimal output), 1 (-v), 2 (-vv)
verbose = 0
quiet = false
whitelist-regex = []
color = true
omit-covered-files = false
# output file logation
generate-badge = "."
badge-format = "svg"

Or configure within your setup.cfg (interrogate will automatically detect a setup.cfg file and pick up default values for the command line options):

$ interrogate -c setup.cfg [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...
ignore-init-method = false
ignore-init-module = false
ignore-magic = false
ignore-semiprivate = false
ignore-private = false
ignore-property-decorators = false
ignore-module = false
ignore-nested-functions = false
ignore-nested-classes = false
ignore-setters = false
ignore-overloaded-functions = false
fail-under = 80
; example values
exclude =,docs,build
; example regex
ignore-regex = ^get$,^mock_.*,.*BaseClass.*
ext = []
; possible values: sphinx (default), google
style = sphinx
; possible values: 0 (minimal output), 1 (-v), 2 (-vv)
verbose = 0
quiet = false
whitelist-regex =
color = true
omit-covered-files = false
; output file logation
generate-badge = .
badge-format = svg


The use of setup.cfg is not recommended unless for very simple use cases. .cfg files use a different parser than pyproject.toml which might cause hard to track down problems. When possible, it is recommended to use pyproject.toml to define your interrogate configuration.

Badge Options

Badge Format

The default file format is svg. Use the --badge-format flag to create a png file instead. Note: interrogate must be installed with interrogate[png] in order to generate png files (see above).

$ interrogate --generate-badge PATH --badge-format png
RESULT: PASSED (minimum: 80.0%, actual: 100.0%)
Generated badge to /Users/lynn/dev/interrogate/docs/_static/interrogate_badge.png

Badge Style

The following badge styles are available via the --badge-style flag:







flat-square-modified (default)








Command Line Options


Show the version and exit.

-v, --verbose

Level of verbosity.

NOTE: When configuring verbosity in pyproject.toml or setup.cfg, verbose=1 maps to -v, and verbose=2 maps to -vv. verbose=0 is the equivalent of no verbose flags used, producing minimal output.

-q, --quiet

Do not print output [default: False]

-f, --fail-under INT | FLOAT

Fail when coverage % is less than a given amount. [default: 80.0]

-e, --exclude PATH

Exclude PATHs of files and/or directories. Multiple -e/--exclude invocations supported.

-i, --ignore-init-method

Ignore __init__ method of classes. [default: False]

-I, --ignore-init-module

Ignore modules. [default: False]

-m, --ignore-magic

Ignore all magic methods of classes. [default: False]

NOTE: This does not include the __init__ method. To ignore __init__ methods, use --ignore-init-method.

-M, --ignore-module

Ignore module-level docstrings. [default: False]

-n, --ignore-nested-functions

Ignore nested functions and methods. [default: False]

-C, --ignore-nested-classes

Ignore nested classes. [default: False]

-O, --ignore-overloaded-functions

Ignore @typing.overload-decorated functions. [default: False]

-p, --ignore-private

Ignore private classes, methods, and functions starting with two underscores. [default: False]

NOTE: This does not include magic methods; use --ignore-magic and/or --ignore-init-method instead.

-P, --ignore-property-decorators

Ignore methods with property setter/getter/deleter decorators. [default: False]

-S, --ignore-setters

Ignore methods with property setter decorators. [default: False]

-s, --ignore-semiprivate

Ignore semiprivate classes, methods, and functions starting with a single underscore. [default: False]

-r, --ignore-regex STR

Regex identifying class, method, and function names to ignore. Multiple -r/--ignore-regex invocations supported.

--ext STR

Include Python-like files with the given extension (supported: pyi). Multiple --ext invocations supported.

-w, --whitelist-regex STR

Regex identifying class, method, and function names to include. Multiple -r/--ignore-regex invocations supported.

--style [sphinx|google]

Style of docstrings to honor. Using google will consider a class and its __init__ method both covered if there is either a class-level docstring, or an __init__ method docstring, instead of enforcing both. Mutually exclusive with -i/--ignore-init flag. [default: sphinx]

-o, --output FILE

Write output to a given FILE. [default: stdout]

-c, --config FILE

Read configuration from pyproject.toml or setup.cfg.

--color, --no-color

Toggle color output on/off when printing to stdout. [default: color]


Omit reporting files that have 100% documentation coverage. This option is ignored if verbosity is not set. [default: False]

-g, --generate-badge PATH

Generate a status badge (an SVG image) in at a given file or directory. Will not generate a badge if results did not change from an existing badge of the same path.

--badge-format [svg|png]

File format for the generated badge. Used with the -g/--generate-badge flag. [default: svg]

NOTE: To generate a PNG file, interrogate must be installed with interrogate[png], i.e. pip install interrogate[png].

--badge-style [flat|flat-square|flat-square-modified|for-the-badge|plastic|social]

Desired style of badge. Used with the -g/–generate-badge flag. [default: flat-square-modified]

Users of Interrogate

Interrogate in the Wild


interrogate was inspired by docstr-coverage, which was forked from Alexey “DataGreed” Strelkov’s docstring-coverage, which was inspired by a 2004 recipe from James Harlow (turtles…).

The cute sloth logo is by JustineW purchased via the Noun Project (but also available under the Creative Commons License with attribution).




  • Finally added type hints

1.7.0 (2024-04-07)


  • tomli dependency for Python versions < 3.11, making use of tomllib in the standard library with 3.11+ (#150).

  • Support for pyi file extensions (and leave room for other file extensions to be added, like maybe ipynb).

  • Support for Google-style docstrings for class __init__ methods with new --style [sphinx|google] flag (#128).


  • Include support for deleters when ignoring property decorators (#126).

  • Support floats for --fail-under values (#114).


  • toml dependency for all Python versions (#150).

1.6.0 (2024-04-06)


  • Add --ignore-overloaded-functions flag to ignore overload decorators (#97) – thank you ErwinJunge (via #167) and zackyancey.

  • Support for Python 3.11 & 3.12.


  • Support for Python 3.6 & 3.7.

1.5.0 (2021-09-10)


  • Set minimum click version (thank you bildzeitung! #81, #82).

  • Add --omit-covered-files flag to skip reporting fully-covered files (#85).

  • Add support for different badge styles via new --badge-style flag (#86).

  • Add 3.10 support!


  • Clarify verbose configuration (#83).

1.4.0 (2021-05-14)


  • Support for generating the status badge as a PNG file with a new --badge-format flag (#70).

  • Add new option -C / --ignore-nested-classes to ignore – you guessed it – nested classes (#65).

  • Add new option -S / --ignore-setters to ignore property setter decorators (#68).

1.3.2 (2020-11-03)


  • Add wicked cute Sloth logo to status badge (#48).

  • Testing/support for Python 3.9 – thank you s-weigand!


  • Excluding paths are no longer OS-dependent (#51) – thank you oriash93!

  • Include Python trove classifiers in packaging (#61) – thank you mmtj!


  • Support for Python 3.5 – thank you s-weigand!

1.3.1 (2020-09-03)


  • Only generate a status badge if results have changed from an existing badge (#40).

1.3.0 (2020-08-23)


  • Read configuration from pyproject.toml by default (#36).

  • Add -P / --ignore-property-decorators flag to ignore methods with property getter/setter decorators (#37).

  • Add support for read configuration from setup.cfg (#35).


  • -e / --exclude doesn’t error if a non-existent file/directory is passed (#38 - thank you MarcoGorelli!).

1.2.0 (2020-05-19)


  • Add -n / --ignore-nested-functions flag to ignore nested functions and methods (#11).

  • Add color output for stdout via --color/--no-color (#25).


  • Output now alpha-sorts by directory.

1.1.5 (2020-05-12)


  • Add module to allow for invocation via python -m interrogate.


  • (Windows) Fix commonpath derivation (#15).

  • (Windows) Fix off-by-1 terminal width error (#20).


  • Removed networkx dependency.

1.1.4 (2020-05-05)



  • Fix summary and detail output to fit width of terminal (thank you psobot!).

1.1.3 (2020-05-02)


  • New -w/--whitelist-regex flag: whitelist regex identifying class, method, and function names to include.


  • -r/--ignore-regex now supports multiple invocations.


  • Fix misleading bug where module info was still outputted even if --ignore-module was used.

  • Fix output when interrogating a single file where filenames were not listed.

1.1.2 (2020-04-29)


  • Fix typo in non-quiet results output (thanks hynek!).


  • Add 100% test coverage in the form of functional and unit tests.

1.1.1 (2020-04-27)


  • Improve docstring content to reflect parameters, return values, and raised exceptions.

1.1.0 (2020-04-24)


  • New command to generate a status badge based off of

1.0.0.post1 (2020-04-23)


  • Add long description to so PyPI is happy.

1.0.0 (2020-04-23)

Initial release!

Indices and tables