================================= ``interrogate``: explain yourself ================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 index .. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: start-readme :end-before: end-readme Command Line Options ==================== .. program:: interrogate [OPTIONS] [PATHS]... .. option:: --version Show the version and exit. .. option:: -v, --verbose Level of verbosity. NOTE: When configuring verbosity in ``pyproject.toml`` or ``setup.cfg``, ``verbose=1`` maps to ``-v``, and ``verbose=2`` maps to ``-vv``. ``verbose=0`` is the equivalent of no verbose flags used, producing minimal output. .. option:: -q, --quiet Do not print output [default: ``False``] .. option:: -f, --fail-under INT | FLOAT Fail when coverage % is less than a given amount. [default: ``80.0``] .. option:: -e, --exclude PATH Exclude PATHs of files and/or directories. Multiple ``-e/--exclude`` invocations supported. .. option:: -i, --ignore-init-method Ignore ``__init__`` method of classes. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -I, --ignore-init-module Ignore ``__init__.py`` modules. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -m, --ignore-magic Ignore all magic methods of classes. [default: ``False``] NOTE: This does not include the ``__init__`` method. To ignore ``__init__`` methods, use ``--ignore-init-method``. .. option:: -M, --ignore-module Ignore module-level docstrings. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -n, --ignore-nested-functions Ignore nested functions and methods. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -C, --ignore-nested-classes Ignore nested classes. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -O, --ignore-overloaded-functions Ignore `@typing.overload`-decorated functions. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -p, --ignore-private Ignore private classes, methods, and functions starting with two underscores. [default: ``False``] NOTE: This does not include magic methods; use ``--ignore-magic`` and/or ``--ignore-init-method`` instead. .. option:: -P, --ignore-property-decorators Ignore methods with property setter/getter/deleter decorators. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -S, --ignore-setters Ignore methods with property setter decorators. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -s, --ignore-semiprivate Ignore semiprivate classes, methods, and functions starting with a single underscore. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -r, --ignore-regex STR Regex identifying class, method, and function names to ignore. Multiple ``-r/--ignore-regex`` invocations supported. .. option:: --ext STR Include Python-like files with the given extension (supported: ``pyi``). Multiple ``--ext`` invocations supported. .. option:: -w, --whitelist-regex STR Regex identifying class, method, and function names to include. Multiple ``-r/--ignore-regex`` invocations supported. .. option:: --style [sphinx|google] Style of docstrings to honor. Using ``google`` will consider a class and its ``__init__`` method both covered if there is either a class-level docstring, or an ``__init__`` method docstring, instead of enforcing both. Mutually exclusive with ``-i/--ignore-init`` flag. [default: ``sphinx``] .. option:: -o, --output FILE Write output to a given ``FILE``. [default: ``stdout``] .. option:: -c, --config FILE Read configuration from ``pyproject.toml`` or ``setup.cfg``. .. option:: --color, --no-color Toggle color output on/off when printing to stdout. [default: color] .. option:: --omit-covered-files Omit reporting files that have 100% documentation coverage. This option is ignored if verbosity is not set. [default: ``False``] .. option:: -g, --generate-badge PATH Generate a `shields.io `_ status badge (an SVG image) in at a given file or directory. Will not generate a badge if results did not change from an existing badge of the same path. .. option:: --badge-format [svg|png] File format for the generated badge. Used with the ``-g/--generate-badge`` flag. [default: ``svg``] NOTE: To generate a PNG file, interrogate must be installed with ``interrogate[png]``, i.e. ``pip install interrogate[png]``. .. option:: --badge-style [flat|flat-square|flat-square-modified|for-the-badge|plastic|social] Desired style of `shields.io `_ badge. Used with the `-g/--generate-badge` flag. [default: flat-square-modified] .. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: start-uses-this :end-before: end-uses-this .. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: start-credits :end-before: end-credits .. include:: changelog.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ .. _virtualenv: https://hynek.me/articles/virtualenv-lives/